The general objective of the IIS-FJD training plan is to improve and deepen general scientific knowledge and priority lines of research that address clinical problems. It is aimed at all members of the Research Institute. This plan is part of the actions defined by the Strategic Plan of the IIS-FJD 2019-2023, within the strategic objective ‘KNOWLEDGE’, which aims to promote the culture of R&D+i through dissemination activities for the scientific community and society, as participants and recipients of research results.

This general objective is developed through the following specific objectives:

  • The continuous acquisition of scientific knowledge, aptitudes, competencies and skills by all IIS-FJD professionals, both in healthcare and non-healthcare areas, according to their function and level, in order to develop the priority lines and areas of research defined in the Scientific Plan with quality.
  • Theoretical-practical and methodological training that allows the adequate use of biotechnological and bioinformatics resources and the necessary techniques for conducting the research.
  • Deontological training for scientific practice in accordance with good research practices.
  • The promotion of interaction between clinical and basic scientists, through the creation of a ‘scientific cultural community’ as a basis for translational research.