The Technosanitary Innovation Unit of the IIS-Fundación Jiménez Díaz (IIS-FJD) was created in 2013 as a transversal unit to support innovation management at the IIS-FJD. It is directed by the Scientific Director of the IIS-FJD, Dr. Carmen Ayuso, and coordinated by Dr. Alberto Ortiz.

The Innovation Unit has a multidisciplinary support team of professionals that includes basic scientists and clinical researchers with an innovative profile who, together with project management personnel, technology platforms and services personnel, are responsible for identifying technological and healthcare innovation at our center, and promoting collaboration agreements with the academic, healthcare and industrial environments.

Currently, the Innovation Unit is a member center of the Spanish Platform for Medical and Health Technologies (ITEMAS), promoted by the ISCIII.


Recently the IIS-FJD received the Quality Certificate in R&D+i Management Systems under the UNE166002:2014 Standard.


The following link provides access to the R&D+i Innovation Policy:

IIS-FJD 4_POL v1 (146.6 KB ) (2 pages)