The Quality and Innovation Committee of the Fundación Jimenez Díaz Health Research Institute was created with the aim of developing and monitoring the implementation of the Institute's Quality Plan, defining objectives, methodologies, channels for staff participation, indicators and schedules.
In 2017, following the Institute's R&D+i Management Systems Certification under the UNE166002 Standard, the Quality and Innovation Committee also established action guidelines for ideas, projects, and actions carried out within the Institution being taken up by the Innovation Support Unit, such as reviewing new innovation proposals, analysing the portfolio of ongoing projects, deciding on the continuity and incorporation of projects, making decisions on technology transfer and/or protection of results.
The Innovation Committee is composed of:
- President: Scientific Director of IIS-FJD
- Members: Coordinator of the Innovation Support Unit, 2 representatives of the Research Committee, Head of IIS-FJD Management, Quality Director of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital.
- Secretary: Technology Transfer Manager. Innovation Unit.