Equality and gender perspective plan
Data update as of 31/12/2023
An equality plan is an orderly set of evaluable measures, adopted after a diagnosis of the situation, aimed at achieving equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in the company, and eliminating discrimination based on gender.
Thus, the equality plans will establish the specific objectives, strategies and practices to be adopted for their achievement, as well as the establishment of effective systems for monitoring and evaluating the objectives set.
The Board of Trustees of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz Health Research Institute Foundation, within the framework of its functions, approved on 19 March 2020 the first Equality Plan between women and men in the IIS-FJD, as a result of a process of reflection on the existing needs to guarantee effective equality.
This plan aims to:
- Advance in achieving real equality between women and men in the institution and, by extension, in society as a whole.
- Improve labour relations, favouring a positive working environment, as well as developing the capabilities and potential of employees, thus leading to greater productivity and an improvement in the quality of life of all.
Human Resources and Gender Perspective of the IIS-FJD
The IIS-FJD is firmly committed to respect and equality among its members. In this sense, one of its objectives is to respect and promote the policy of equal opportunities in all its activities without distinction of gender, race, ideology, age, affective-sexual orientation or religion. The aim is to ensure respect for the principles of equal treatment of women and men at all levels and to ensure equity in the distribution of means and resources.
The IIS-FJD adheres to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C). Our institute has 1,153 professionals with different profiles, 61.23% of whom are women.
The IIS-FJD is made up of 543 researchers corresponding to profiles R1, R2, R3 and R4 according to the European EURAXESS classification, 12 emeritus researchers, 399 clinical researchers, 163 scientific and technical support staff from the different platforms, and 36 people belonging to the administration and management area (See HR-Graph 1).
Below are the analyses of the distribution of IIS-FJD personnel disaggregated by gender: by staff (HR-Graph 2), by clinical/basic profile (HR-Graph 3), by age group (HR-Graph 4), and by scientific area and group (HR-Graphs 5, 6 and 7).