Data updated as of 17/10/2024

The main objective of the External Scientific Committee (CCE) of the IIS-FJD is to ensure the scientific quality of the Institute's activities and to contribute to their improvement.

The CCE of the IIS-FJD is made up of scientists and research managers of recognised scientific and professional prestige in the field of biomedical and health sciences research, both basic and clinical.

Therefore, the members of the Committee are individuals of unquestionable value, from a wide range of disciplines, who are representative of biomedical research and who can undoubtedly contribute added value to the IIS-FJD’s scientific strategy. Their appointment and dismissal is carried out by the Governing Council at the proposal of the Scientific Director of the IIS-FJD, following the principles of gender equality as it aims to preserve a proper balance between women and men. Likewise, it shall be ensured at all times that at least one of its members is a non-resident in Spain.

Its composition during 2023 is as follows:

  • Antonio L. Andreu Périz (Scientific Director. Coordination and Support Office. EATRIS ERIC. The Netherlands).
  • Joaquín Arenas Barbero (Director of the Research Institute at the 12 de Octubre Hospital).
  • Ángel Carracedo Álvarez (Professor of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela, Director of the Galician Public Foundation of Genomic Medicine, Director of the main unit of the National Genotyping Center).
  • Mónica de la Fuente del Rey (Professor of Physiology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Complutense de Madrid University).
  • Ángel Gil de Miguel (Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Rey Juan Carlos University, Director of the Department of Medical Specialties and Public Health of the URJC).
  • Ana Lluch Hernández (Professor of Medicine at the University of Valencia and head of the Hematology and Oncology Department of the University Clinical Hospital of Valencia).
  • Federico Mayor Menéndez (Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Center, Madrid).
  • Fátima Núñez Mangado (Deputy Director of Innovation, Research and Knowledge Management, Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, Barcelona).
  • Maria A. Oquendo (Ruth Meltzer Professor and Chairman of Psychiatry. Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States).
  • Flora de Pablo Dávila (Research Professor, Biological Research Center - CSIC, Madrid).

It also has a committee secretary (Victoria del Pozo, IIS-FJD) and a minutes secretary (Ana Rubio Araiz, assistant to the Scientific Director), who is in charge of preparing the minutes of the meetings, as well as managing the documentation related to the committee's activities.

It also has a standing committee of five members, who will be renewed every three years.


  • Act as an advisory body to the Board of Trustees in all matters requiring specialised knowledge related to the operation of the Institute, such as lines of research, researcher incorporation, and the creation of groups, and, in general, on the scientific policy to be developed in the Institute, in accordance with its Strategic Plan.
  • Evaluate the proposals of the Research Committee on the integration of new groups into the IIS-FJD. The quality and strategic value of their lines of research are analysed in order to give an opinion on the suitability of the affiliation of these groups to the IIS-FJD.
  • In general, the review of the IIS-FJD’s planning in its various aspects (training plan, quality plan, etc.), to ensure proper development in the future.


During 2023, the CCE met regularly on two occasions (March and October). During the meetings, information was provided on the preparation of the new Strategic Plan 2024-2028; the Scientific Report 2022; together with the competitive and European Union calls for proposals in 2023; the evolution of IIS-FJD scientific activity in 2023; IIS-FJD Clinical Trials, both new and under development in 2023; the evolution of HR during 2023; the reorganisation of groups and areas, and the new spaces in the IIS-FJD.

In addition, the members of the CCE participated in six panels at the Annual Meetings of Areas and Research Groups of the IIS-FJD (V Annual Meeting), actively contributing to the development of the research carried out at the IIS.

In addition, the members of the CCE participated in five panels at the Annual Meetings of Areas and Research Groups of the IIS-FJD (IV Annual Meeting), actively contributing to the development of the research carried out at the IIS.