Research Committee
Data updated as of 17/10/2024
The purpose of the Research Committee is to promote scientific and technical research, as well as training and teaching, bringing together the different types and lines of research in a common environment that allows the creation of synergies, facilitating collaboration among basic and clinical researchers, and other researchers from different specialties and disciplines in the field of health and life sciences.
Composition of the Research Committee: it is made up of a Chair, which corresponds to the Scientific Director of the IIS-FJD, a Secretary and representatives of the different research groups, attempting where possible to involve different types of researchers and to comply with the principles of gender equality. It must incorporate those responsible for training, innovation and quality at the IIS-FJD. Finally, the composition of the Research Committee is completed with a Secretary of Minutes.
- Carmen Ayuso García (Scientific Director of the IIS-FJD and Deputy Director of Research at the HUFJD).
- María Victoria del Pozo Abejón (Deputy Scientific Director of IIS-FJD, Allergy and Immunology HUFJD).
- Nicolás Alejandre Alba (Research in New Therapies. HUFJD).
- Gloria Alvarez Llamas (Allergy and Immunology HUFJD).
- Enrique Baca García (Psychiatry and Mental Health. HUFJD; HURJC; HUIE; HUGV).
- Manuel Dómine Gómez (Medical Oncology. HUFJD).
- Jaime Esteban Moreno (Microbiology. HUFJD).
- Sergio Fernández Bravo (Infectious, Inflammatory and Chronic Diseases, HUFJD)
- Carmen Garcés Segura (Lipid Pathology: Clinical and Experimental [Adult and Child]. HUFJD).
- Mariano García Arranz (Research in New Therapies. HUFJD).
- Damián García Olmo (Research in New Therapies. HUFJD; HURJC; HUIE; HUGV).
- Carmen Gómez Guerrero (Nephrology and Hypertension, Vascular Pathology, and Diabetes. UAM).
- Raquel Largo Carazo (Rheumatology and Bone Metabolism; Training. HUFJD).
- Inmaculada López Martín (Research in New Therapies; Fundación Jiménez Díaz School of Nursing - UAM)
- Lucía Llanos Jiménez (Clinical Research and Clinical Trials Unit; Quality. HUFJD).
- Ignacio Mahíllo Fernández (Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit. HUFJD).
- María Dolores Martín Ríos (Preventive Medicine-Public Health and Primary Care, HUFJD; HURJC; HUIE; HUGV).
- Alberto Ortiz Arduán (Nephrology and Hypertension, Vascular Pathology, and Diabetes; Innovation. HUFJD; HURJC; HUIE; HUGV).
- Federico Gustavo Rojo Todo (Anatomic Pathology; Biobank. HUFJD).
- José Antonio Rueda Camino (Medical and Surgical Innovation. HURJC).
- Francisco Javier Ruiz Hornillos (Allergy and Immunology. HUIE).
- Jessica Mire Santillán Coello (Research in New Therapies. HUGV).
- José María Serratosa Fernández (Neurology. HUFJD).
- Sandra Zazo Hernández (Anatomic Pathology; Biobank. HUFJD).
Invited members:
- Isabel Ferreiro Carrobles (Manager of the Conchita Rábago Foundation).
- Alberto Montero Manso (Director of Research Management).
Secretary of Minutes:
- Ana Rubio Araiz (Deputy Scientific Director)
Several of the members of the Research Committee are Coordinators of the Institute’s different scientific areas:
Area Coordinators:
- Cancer Area: Federico Rojo Todo
- Infectious, Inflammatory and Chronic Disease Area: Victoria del Pozo / Raquel Largo Carazo.
- Neuroscience Area: Enrique Baca García / José María Serratosa Fernández.
- Renal, Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease Area: Alberto Ortiz Arduán / Carmen Gómez-Guerrero / Carmen Garcés Segura.
- Genetics and Genomics Area: Carmen Ayuso García.
- Health Technology and Innovation Area: Damián García-Olmo.
- Advise the Governing Bodies on all scientific, strategic and organisational matters.
- Analyse and make proposals for all plans and regulations for the operation of the IIS-FJD, especially for the Strategic Plan, including the Integration Plan and the Training Plan, and to follow up on them.
- Propose to the Governing Bodies the annual scientific objectives to be achieved and the actions to be taken for their development.
- Propose to the External Scientific Committee all necessary and pertinent information required to effectively and efficiently perform its advisory and consultative functions, as well as to provide the means and follow up on its recommendations, once they are approved by the Governing Bodies.
- Be the participating body of the research areas and groups in the scientific governance of the IIS-FJD, as well as promote and foster the creation of emerging groups of young researchers that provide the center with new lines of research.
- Coordinate the relationship of its members with the different committees of the IIS-FJD: HUFJD Teaching Sub-Directorate, Drug Research Ethics Committee (CEIm) and Research Management Area of the IIS-FJD, as well as with public and private organisations and other research centers.
- Enter into and promote agreements, exchanges and lines of collaboration with public and private institutions, universities, scientific and professional associations, foundations and other national and international organisations.
- Promote collaboration with representative and qualified legal persons and entities in the fields related to the aims of the Research Committee and, in general, with all professionals and entities related to the healthcare field.
- Organise, sponsor and participate in courses, seminars, conferences, congresses, symposiums and colloquiums.
- To promote, organise and collaborate in international meetings of a general or monographic, periodic or permanent nature, on topics related to basic, clinical and epidemiological, or public health research.
- Propose scientific content for the IIS-FJD website, social media and other dissemination platforms, as well as evaluate the Annual Scientific Report.
- Evaluate the quality and interest of project application proposals and prioritise them, if necessary.
- The Research Commission will act, with the abstention of individuals linked to the Biobank, as an External Scientific Committee of the HUFJD Biobank, performing the following functions included in article 13 of the internal regulations of the Biobank, and based on the provisions of RD1716/2011, of November 18, which establishes the basic requirements for the authorisation and operation of Biobanks for biomedical research purposes and for the handling of biological samples of human origin:
- Advise on the direction and scientific objectives of the Biobank and the associated units, and develop their operating standards.
- Advise on the research activities to be carried out, which are of strategic importance in the optimal operation of the Biobank.
- Scientifically evaluate requests for biological samples originating from research projects, when they are samples housed in one of the HUFJD Biobank units.
- Approve any transfer of biological samples to third parties and advise on the prioritisation of the transfer of these samples and, if applicable, of the associated data, in the case of samples housed in any of the HUFJD Biobank units.