Data updated as of 12/15/2023

The Animal Welfare Ethics Committee is the body authorised by the General Directorate for the Environment, Ministry of the Environment and Regional Planning for the evaluation of projects in which experimental animals are used according to RD 53/2013 of 1 February.


The general objectives of the Animal Welfare Ethics Committee (CEBA) of the Fundación Jiménez Diaz Healthcare Research Institute are to guarantee respect for the dignity and integrity of the animal and to promote, as far as possible, the welfare of animals used as experimental models in research or teaching practices.


1. It is established as a body in charge of animal welfare (OEBA). In users, this body (OEBA) will be called animal experimentation ethics committee. Art.37.1).

  • Advise animal handlers on animal welfare issues related to the acquisition, housing, care and use of animals.
  • Advise staff on the application of the replacement, reduction and refinement requirement, and keep them informed of technical and scientific advances in the application of this requirement.
  • Establish and review internal operational processes with respect to the control, communication and monitoring of information related to animal welfare.
  • Advise on rehoming or adoption schemes, including appropriate socialisation of animals to be rehomed or put up for adoption.
  • Prepare the report referred to in Article 33.1 and monitor the projects taking into account their effect on the animals used, as well as identify and evaluate the elements that best contribute to replacement, reduction and refinement.

2. Designated as an authorised body, it carries out the evaluation and retrospective evaluation of the projects submitted, provided that they meet the requirements set forth in Articles 39 and 43.

In this case, the authorised body submits a detailed annual report on its activities to the competent body, including at least a list of all projects it has evaluated or retrospectively evaluated. All documentation is kept at the disposal of the competent body for a minimum period of three years.

3. Retain, for at least three years, records of OEBA recommendations and decisions taken on those recommendations. These records are at the disposal of the competent body upon request.