Scientific Directorate
Carmen Ayuso García
Genetics and Genomics of Rare and Complex Diseases
The Health Research Institute is headed by the Scientific Director appointed by the Board of Trustees, whose responsibilities cover both the scientific and administrative areas.
By agreement of the Board of Trustees, and in accordance with the provisions of the R.D. on accreditation, Dr. Carmen Ayuso, Deputy Medical Director of Research at HUFJD, was appointed Scientific Director of the IIS-FJD, who is part of the HUFJD staff as Head of the Genetics Area. She has had a long career in science, as well as in R&D+i management.
The Scientific Director chairs the Research Committee. They are also a member of the governing bodies of the IIS-FJD on the Board of Directors.
- Appointed by the Board of Trustees
- Qualified and with sufficient experience in R&D+i management.
- They are a member of the FJD staff.
- Implement the scientific policy, reporting directly to the President of the Governing Council.
- Serve as the maximum representative and scientific spokesperson of the IIS-FJD before other entities or organisations.
- Execute the decisions of the Governing Council in matters within its competence. Direct the research, cooperation and training activities of the IIS-FJD.
- Propose research programmes.
- Coordinate the relationships between the IIS-FJD research units.
- Encourage and promote relationships among research groups.
- Chair the Research Committee.