Scientific Direction
The Office of Scientific Management has authority over the scientific and administrative aspects of the Institute.
- Designated by the Governing Council
- Sufficient qualifications and experience in R&D management
- FJD staff member
- Carry out the scientific, financial, and administrative policies established by the Governing Council and report directly to the President of the Board of Directors of the IIS—FJD, UAM
- Execute decisions made by the governing bodies that fall within its sphere of responsibility
- Oversee research, collaboration, and training initiatives in the FJD-IMR
- Propose research programs
- Coordinate relations between departments within the IIS—FJD, UAM
- Broker and promote relations between research groups
- Foster the transfer of scientific knowledge generated by the IIS—FJD, UAM to the clinical practice carried out in the FJD hospital
- Scout and recruit talent in the field of biomedical research
- Manage the IIS—FJD, UAM staff in accordance with the guidelines of the Governing Council
Assistant Medical Director for Research of the FJD: Carmen Ayuso