Quality Area
Data update as of 31/12/2023
In the area of Quality and Excellence, the Fundación Jiménez Díaz closes out the year as the best hospital in Spain for the eighth consecutive year; a 2023 full of awards and milestones in healthcare, teaching and research.
Our Management System's main objective is continuous improvement, implicit in our daily activity, and based on innovation and the reengineering and optimisation of our processes, using digital transformation as a lever for change.
Quality, healthcare safety, sustainability and social responsibility are the common denominator in all the services we provide, always focused on patients, professionals and society.
Our objectives are to improve the patient experience and safety, humanising care and placing the patient at the center of our activity; we give as much importance to prevention, promotion and improvement of the public's health as to care in the face of illness; taking advantage of technology and digitalisation, with the support of all professionals, to make responsible and efficient use of resources.
With these pillars, consolidated differential values, and a strategy of continuous improvement for the benefit of the patient that has earned it numerous awards for excellence, efficiency and health care, with 2023 the Fundación Jiménez Díaz is completing a year that consolidates its leadership in Spanish healthcare, setting itself apart with its distinctive features such as networking, its commitment to technological innovation, a medical staff with the best and most experienced professionals and a broad and complex portfolio of services, together with three pillars that define its activity: care, teaching and research.
The latest of these endorsements has been the recognition, for the eighth consecutive year, as the best hospital in Spain, according to the 2023 Hospital Excellence Index (IEH), which is published each year by the Coordenadas Institute of Governance and Applied Economics after an exhaustive analysis of public and private centers to measure and reward their excellence and innovation based on the results and perceptions of 2,100 healthcare professionals.
The hospital's vision, effort and commitment has been further consolidated this year by obtaining the GOLDEN SEAL from the JOINT COMMISSION International, the world's most demanding accreditation for clinical safety and quality in the healthcare field.
In addition, the Fundación Jiménez Díaz has also been included in several rankings, such as those featured in the magazines Forbes and Newsweek, which highlighted it among the 25 best hospitals in Spain and the 100 best in the world, respectively; while the digital media El Confidencial included 21 of its professionals among the best doctors in our country; and Google Scholar did the same by selecting 18 researchers from its Health Research Institute (IIS-FJD) in the Ranking of Spanish and foreign female researchers working in Spain.
Functions and objectives
The Quality Unit is a service composed of professionals trained in management. The main functions of the Unit are:
- Support the periodic review of the Institute's (IIS-FJD) Strategic Plan.
- Support in the definition, updating and evaluation of the IIS-FJD Management System.
- Facilitate monitoring of fulfilling the annual improvement objectives established by the Institute, as well as their periodic review and updating.
- Provide methodological support to professionals and work teams for the execution and fulfilment of objectives and improvement actions.
- Train professionals in Quality methodology and integration in work teams for the Certification and/or Accreditation of Quality of Units and/or services.
- Promote the EFQM European Model of Excellence and Process Management in the Hospital and in the IIS-FJD, through internal training and workshops with professionals.
- Support in the monitoring of the indicators defined in the Institute, as well as their definition and monitoring through the management scorecard.
- Coordinate the System Review by Senior Management.
Awards and Recognition 2023:
- XXXV Premios "Íñigo Álvarez de Toledo" en Investigación Básica o Experimental en Nefrología a la Dra. Ana Belén Sanz Bartolomé por el trabajo: "La ferrostatina-1 modula los lípidos renales desregulados en el fracaso renal agudo".
- II Edición Premio Invención Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas 2023 al Dr. Ciro Baeza.
- Premios Profesor Barea 2023 al Dr. Felipe Villar Álvarez por el Programa MAS+. Medio Ambiente y Salud. Ganador de la Modalidad 5 Impacto medioambiental de los centros sanitarios.
- Premio otorgado por la Fanconi Anemia Research Fundation a la Dra. Paula Río, galardonada con el 2023 Early Stage Investigator Award.
- XI International Gene Therapy Award for Lafora Disease a la Dra. Marina Sánchez.
- 3ª Edición del Premio Investigación Científica en Salud de la Fundación hna a la Dra. Estrella Gómez Tortosa, por el proyecto: "Biomarcadores plasmáticos de enfermedad de alzhéimer en una cohorte de demencia y en nonagenarios cognitivamente preservados".
- Premio de investigación Emilio Aced de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos al Dr. Guillermo Lazcoz Moratinos, por su trabajo "Sistemas de AI en la asistencia sanitaria. Cómo garantizar la supervisión humana desde la normativa de protección de datos", que destaca el valor de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en el sector de la sanidad teniendo en cuenta la supervisión humana en las decisiones y en el ciclo de vida del sistema de IA.
All of this in addition to an important educational effort in health matters aimed at civil society, with specific actions of Corporate Social Responsibility (FJD Talks) and environmental commitment, the 1st ‘Encuentro’ meeting of associations and the wider population and the active participation of the center's professionals in carrying out numerous activities of interest and social impact to bring the hospital closer to the public in a real and practical way.
Staff and location
Staff : Bibiana Navarro Arqued (HUFJD Quality Manager)
IIS-FJD Quality and Innovation Committee
Location: HUFJD. Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2, 28040 Madrid.
Quality Certificates
La Fundación Jiménez Díaz, es el primer hospital del mundo que ha recibido el EFQM Global Award, Premio a la Excelencia en Gestión de mayor prestigio internacional. El hospital, que además ha obtenido más de 750 puntos de valoración, lo que le otorga el sello EFQM 7 Stars, máxima puntuación de este reconocimiento se convierte así en el primero, no solo de España, sino de todo el mundo, en recibir este prestigioso premio. Con él, la Fundación Europea para la Gestión de la Calidad avala la estrategia y gestión del centro, así como su visión -liderar la transformación del sistema sanitario para garantizar su sostenibilidad, promoviendo la innovación y la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías-, ejes estratégicos -prevención en salud, experiencia del paciente y gestión eficiente y responsable-, pilares básicos -asistencial, docente e investigador- valores diferenciales -cultura centrada en el paciente, digitalización al servicio de su salud, trabajo en red, innovación tecnológica, amplio y experimentado cuadro médico…- y numerosas buenas prácticas; aspectos todos ellos puestos al servicio del paciente y la sociedad. |
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