Bioinformatics Unit
We offer bioinformatics support to research groups from the IIS-FJD and external in the analysis of omics experiments and clinical BigData. Our research experience focus on bioinformatics analysis of genomic and transciptomic data and their functional profiling, including proteomics. We work on a collaboration basis.
We offer technical, scientific and advisory support in:
- Experimental design that includes bioinformatics analysis.
- Statistical and functional analysis of omics data: genomics (DNASeq), transcriptomics (RNASeq, microarrays), proteomics and others.
- Ad hoc bioinformatics methods development.
- Results interpretation, methods/results writing for scientific publications.
- Project with omics experiments design support.
The Unit develops and maintains bioinformatics pipelines for the analysis of DNASeq and RNASeq data. We have expertise in the analysis of third generation sequencing (long reads, PacBio, Nanopore). We have been involved in the development of public resources for the study of postranscriptional (alternative splicing) and postranslational ( regulation. It works for several national initiatives aiming to establish standards and good practices guidelines for bioinformatics analysis in clinical settings (CIBERER, TransBioNet). It is part of TransBioNet (
), a national network promoted by ISCIII and INB to introduce bioinformatics in clinical national services.
We accept TFGs and TFMs students. See our publications:
More information:
- Pablo Mínguez Paniagua (scientific coordinator).
Contact email:
- Lorena de la Fuente Lorente.
We are part of the Bio node at the Supercomputing Centre at the UAM (CCC-UAM), where we are users of a HP cluster with the following features:
- 4 servers Intel Xeon Gold 6138F, 384GB RAM and 160 processors (320 cores).
We also have:
- Shared virtual machine server at Telefónica SA, 64GB RAM and 16 cores.
- workstations (5x32GB RAM and 1x16GB RAM).
- Shared 24TB storage system at Telefónica SA.
Bioinformatics Laboratory, 4th floor, main Fundación Jiménez Díaz building.
We work on a collaboration basis in projects after a viability evaluation.