Data updated as of November 2024

In accordance with RD 1090/2015, which regulates clinical trials with medicinal products, the Ethics Committees for Research with medicinal products and the Spanish Registry of Clinical Studies, a Research Ethics Committee (CEI) is an independent body with a multidisciplinary composition whose main purpose is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety and welfare of subjects participating in a biomedical research project, and to provide public assurance in this respect by issuing an opinion on the relevant documentation of the research project, taking into account the views of lay persons, in particular, patients, or patient organisations.

  1. Likewise, a Research Ethics Committee for Research involving medicinal products (hereinafter CEIm) is a Research Ethics Committee that is also accredited in accordance with the terms of this Royal Decree to issue an opinion in a clinical study involving medicinal products and in clinical research involving healthcare products.
  2. The CEIm of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz (hereinafter CEImFJD) has the accreditation of the competent authority in accordance with the terms of RD 1090/2015 since January 2018.

  • Functions: The functions of the CEImFJD are reflected in Article 12 of RD 1090/2015This link opens in a popup window and are summarized in the evaluation of the ethical, methodological and legal aspects of clinical trials with drugs and other biomedical research studies, in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people who participate in them.
  • Scope of action: The opinion of the CEImFJD in relation to clinical trials with medicines and healthcare products and observational studies with medicines will be valid for the entire national territory. For the rest of the studies and/or research projects for which the sole opinion of a CEIm is not valid, the scope of action will be the single Health Area, as established in article 2.2 of Law 6/2009 of 16 NovemberThis link opens in a popup window on Freedom of Choice in Healthcare of the Community of Madrid.
  • Centers supervised by the CEImFJD:
    • Fundación Jiménez Díaz (FJD)
    • Infanta Elena Hospital in Valdemoro (HIE)
    • Rey Juan Carlos Hospital in Móstoles (HRJC)
    • General Hospital of Villalba (HGV)
    • Quirónsalud Sur Hospital (HSA)
    • Quirón Madrid University Hospital (HUQM)
    • Ruber Juan Bravo University Hospital (HRJB)
    • La Luz University Hospital (HLL)
    • Quironsalud San José Hospital (HSJ)
    • Quironsalud Valle del Henares Hospital (HVH)
    • Olympia Medical-Surgical Center - Quironsalud Group (CMQO)
    • Health Centers dependent on Health Areas 5, 6, 7 and 11 of the Community of Madrid

  • Technical Secretarial Contact:
    • Dña. Nieves Martínez García
    • Dña. Noemi Rodríguez Beas

Telephone: 91 544 37 20. E-mail:

C/ del Maestro Angel Llorca, 6. Bajo B. Edificio Alto
